Friends of the Library
Friends of the Tipton Public Library was organized on January 17, 1989, to support the Tipton Public Library with its offered services and programming. The Friends is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that is completely run by volunteers. We raise funds for the library’s programs, services, and needs with our book sales held each spring and fall. Book donations are gladly accepted and can be dropped off at the library in our collection box at the bottom of the stairs by the Meridian St. entrance. The Friends also encourage donations, memorials, bequests, and endowments to help us support the library.
Becoming a Friend is easy! Just print, complete, and drop off or mail a membership form with your dues payment. We have three levels of membership; Individual - $5; Family - $10; and Supporting - $25 or more. Give the gift of literacy and become a friend today.
The Friends accept used books in good condition. We cannot accept textbooks, encyclopedias, magazines, or Reader's Digest Condensed Books.